Vegemite Pail 2.5 kg
VEGEMITE is a nutritious and versatile Australian food. In fact, it's one of the world's richest sources of B group vitamins. Now you can get the the approximate equivalent of 11 of our 220g Vegemite jars. The label on the Vegemite pail shows 500 servings!
VEGEMITE spread is virtually fat-free, with a mere 40kJ in a 5g serve, and is the perfect accompaniment for a wholesome, breakfast, lunch or snack.
VEGEMITE spread contains no artificial colours or flavours, and has absolutely no added sugar. It is suitable for vegetarians, is kosher and halal certified and contains rich sources of thiamine. 25% of the Recommended Daily Intake (RDI) of riboflavin and niacin are delivered per serve, as well as 50% of the RDI of folate, or 25% for women of childbearing age.
The B Vitamins in VEGEMITE spread assist in converting carbohydrates, proteins and fats in food into much needed energy and are also important for proper functioning of the nervous system, muscles and brain. Folate aids in producing red cells in the body and niacin helps to maintain healthy skin and a healthy digestive tract.
It's a rich source of thiamine, riboflavin and niacin (25% RDI*), and a rich source of folate (50% RDI* or 25% RDI for women of childbearing age). *RDI = Recommended Daily Intake.